Dr. Jason Holt
Pronouns: He/him
Phone: (902) 585-1885
Email: jason.holt@acadiau.ca
Office: School of Kinesiology, Room 385f
- PhD, University of Western Ontario (Philosophy)
- MA, Dalhousie University (Philosophy)
- BA(H), Acadia University (Philosophy)
Previous Courses
- History and Philosophy of Leisure
- Philosophical Aspects of Physical Activity and Sport
Scholarly Interests & Expertise
I am interested in aesthetics, its nature, its role in human psychology, and its diverse expressions in the arts, sport, and popular culture. My work focuses on the following areas in particular:
- Aesthetics (especially of film and literature)
- Philosophy of sport and leisure
- Philosophy and popular culture
- Conceptual foundations of kinesiology
Did You Know?
- I enjoy creative writing and have published numerous books of poetry and experimental fiction.
- As its Acting Editor, I am trying to revive AE: Canadian Aesthetics Journal, which has been on hiatus.
- As an athlete I peaked at age 13, playing second base for the Nova Scotia Provincial Champion Enfield Expos.
Highlights of Scholarly and Professional Work
- My book Kinetic Beauty: The Philosophical Aesthetics of Sport (Routledge, 2019) won the Faculty of Professional Studies Outstanding Research Project Award.
- My book Blindsight and the Nature of Consciousness (Broadview, 2003) was shortlisted and received Honourable Mention for the Canadian Philosophical Association Book Prize.
- My essay later published as “Lepore on the Question of Poetic Aboutness” was shortlisted for the Canadian Philosophical Association Essay Prize.
- My work on popular culture and philosophy has been translated into (at last count) 16 different languages.
- I have published over 50 essays in venues as diverse as the British Journal of Aesthetics and the American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology.