Dr. Mary Sweatman

Recent Publications and Book Chapters:

Sweatman, M., & Warner, A. (2020). A model for understanding the processes, characteristics, and the community-valued development outcomes of community-university partnerships. Michigan Journal of Community Service-Learning, 26(1), 265-288.

Arbour-Nicitopoulos, K, P., Shirazipour, C. H., Sweatman, M., & Seaman, R. (2018). The Secret of S.M.I.L.E.: Best practices for delivering adapted physical activity programming. Physical and Health Education Journal, 83 (4), 1-30.

Tirone, S., & Sweatman, M. (2011). You suddenly have a different life: Leisure, gender, and the experiences of immigrants living in Halifax, Nova Scotia. In E. Tastsoglou, & P. S. Jaya (Eds.), Immigrant women in Atlantic Canada (pg. 325-353). Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press Inc./Women’s Press.

Sweatman, M., & Tirone, S. (2011). Leisure, privilege and young Canadian’s international community experience: A narrative study. Loisir & Société, 33(1), 113-135.

Sweatman, M., & Warner, A. (2009). Integrating Nature Experiences into Early Childhood Education. Canadian Children: The Journal of the Canadian Association for Young Children, 34(2), 5-10.

Sweatman, M., & Heintzman, P.  (2004). The perceived impact of outdoor residential camp experience on the spirituality of youth. World Leisure Journal, 46(1), 23-31.

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