Dr. John Colton
Colton, J., Conway, F., Bouke, W. (2017 ). Stakeholder engagement: principles and practice in marine renewable energy. In Wright, G., Kerr, S., and Johnson, K (eds.) Marine renewable energy governance, CABI Publishing, London, UK, In press
Conway, F., & Colton, J.(2017). Addressing and resolving conflict in marine renewable energy projects. In Wright, G., Kerr, S., andJohnson, K (eds.) Marine renewable energy governance, CABI Publishing, London, UK. In press
Wright, G., Kerr, S, Colton J., & Johnson, K. (2017). Indigenous rights and ownership in marine renewable energy. In Wright, G., Kerr, S., and Johnson, K (eds.) Marine renewable energy governance, CABI Publishing, London, UK. In press.
Colton, J., Corscadden, K., Fast, S., Gattinger, M., Gehman, J.,Findlay, M.H., Morgan, D., Sayers, J., Winter, J. and Yatchew, A. (2016). Energy projects, social license, public acceptance and regulatory systems in Canada: A white paper. The School of Public Policy SPP Papers, University of Calgary.
Warner, A. & Colton, C. (2015). Leadership roles and group facilitation skills for community development. In E. Sharpe, H. Mair and F. Yuen (Eds.), Community Development: Applications for Leisure. Edmonton, AB: Venture Publishing.
Kerr, S., Colton, J., & Wright, G. (2015) Rights and ownership: a case study of marine renewable energy development in indigenous and island communities. Marine Policy (in press). Available at: http://www.researchgate.net/publication/268882019_Rights_and_ownership_in_sea_country_implications_of_marine_renewable_energy_for_indigenous_and_local_communities
Acadia Tidal Energy Institute/AECOM. (2014). Strategic Environmental Assessment Update for Tidal Energy for the Bay of Fundy. Offshore Energy Research Association, Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Issacman, L. & Colton, J. (2013). Tidal Energy Community Engagement Handbook. Acadia Tidal Energy Institute. Available at: http://tidalenergy.acadiau.ca/community-engagement-handbook.html
Colton, J., MacDougall, S. (2013.) Community and Business Tidal Energy Toolkit. Acadia Tidal Energy Institute, Acadia University. Available at: http://tidalenergy.acadiau.ca/tl_files/sites/tidalenergy/resources/Documents/Toolkit/AcadiaTidal_BookJul04web.pdf
Patterson, C. & Colton, J. (2011). Report on the evaluation of the Atlantic Aboriginal Economic Development Research Partnership. Atlantic Policy Congress. Available at: http://www.apcfnc.ca/economic-development/aaedirp/reports-and-publications/
Colton, J. & Whitney-Squire, K. (2010). Exploring the relationship between Aboriginal tourism and Aboriginal community development. Leisure/Loisir 34 (4), 1-18. Available at: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/14927713.2010.521321#
Colton, J. (2010). An on-line survey explores the issues and challenges of planning and implementing municipal sustainability. Municipal World (October). Available at: http://www.municipalworld.com/magazine/article-index/?mode=results
Colton, J. (2009). Wildcat Ecotourism Feasibility Study: Best practices and programming and Interpretation plan. Acadia First Nation. Available at: http://pubs.iied.org/pdfs/G02321.pdf
Colton. J., Callaghan, E., & Purkis, J. (2009). Halifax Regional Municipality sustainable filter report.
Colton, J., Levin, C. (2008). Report on the Atlantic Canada Sustainability Initiative.
Colton, J. (2008). Halifax Regional Municipality Sustainable Procurement Review.
Colton, J.(2008). Atlantic Canada Sustainability Initiative Strategic Plan.
Callaghan, E.G. & Colton, J. (2008) Building sustainable & resilient communities: a balancing of community capital.Environment, Development and Sustainability 10:931-942. Available at: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs10668-007-9093-4
Colton, J. (2008). Indigenous tourism development: Beyond economics incentives. In D. Natcher (Ed.) Aboriginal Forestry: Linking Social and Ecological Research for Sustainability. Captus Press: Vancouver, B.C.
Colton, J., & Harris, S. (2007). The role of ecotourism in aboriginal community development: The case of Lennox Island, PEI. In R. Butler & T. Hinch (Eds.) Tourism and Indigenous Peoples. CAB International: London.
Bissix, G., Colton, J., & Callaghan, E.(2007). Community Vitality Matters: Report on the Household Survey. Wolfville Sustainability Initiative.
Colton, J., Bissix, G., & Callaghan, E. (2006). Report on the Community Circle: An interim report of the Wolfville Sustainability Initiative.
Colton, J., & Noiles, J. (2006). Strategic business plan for the Nova Scotia Festivals and Events Council. Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Colton, J.W. (2006). Ecotourism in the Atlantic Provinces. Pathways: Ontario Journal of Outdoor Recreation. Available at: http://connection.ebscohost.com/c/articles/23367678/ecotourism-atlantic-provinces
Colton, J. W., & Bissix, G. (2005). Developing agritourism in Nova Scotia: Issues and challenges. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, 27 (1). Available at: http://lin.ca/sites/default/files/attachments/CCLR10-17.pdf
Colton, J. (2005). Motivations for indigenous tourism development in northern Canada. The Canadian Journal of Native Studies, 25(1), 185-202. Available at: http://www3.brandonu.ca/library/CJNS/25.1/cjnsv25no1_pg185-206.pdf